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Natalie Portman Might Still Think About Kissing Patrick Swayze

Category: Video
Complexity: Low
Date: 09.02.2017
Subtitles:  has
Average rating: 3.7 (6 votes)
I started when I was eleven. I was an understudy in an off-broadway show called Ruthless. That was my first thing I got and then the second thing I got was the professional and I never got commercials or anything like that. I went out on auditions for but I never was hired. I wasn't like a peppy kid. I was always like pretending to be older than I was and I feel like people like seeing kids be like their age you know like it's cute when I get X-rayed. Not that I was mature but I was pretending I was mature. I definitely had a big Patrick Swayze crash as a kid and maybe as an adult, yeah. I wanted to kiss Patrick Swayze definitely. My god, my girl, my girl made me cry so much like bawling and she's like he can't see without his glasses. Remember we were all so scared of beasts things after that. With favorite birthday I feel like there is a chuck e cheese birthday that was particularly. Great chucky cheese is a great place. I'm I said I don't know sevens and I like that. He had Carvel ice cream cake. O, o it's the whale fight Fudgie the Whale. My pet peeve is people saying "I know exactly how you feel". Nobody knows exactly how you feel. People say it a lot in general, yeah. It comes from a good place but it's just something that's not true.
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