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The Chubbchubbs

Category: Video
Complexity: Middle
Date: 10.01.2017
Subtitles:  has
Average rating: 4.8 (9 votes)
"What you want" "Baby, I got it" "What you need..." Excuse me, coming through here.... Got a wet mop here. Coming through, right behind ya. Coming through there! Watch your back. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" "Find out what it means to me" "R-S-T-T-B-C" "Take care, T-C-C" "Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me.." What you take me for?, you'll never work on this planet again! I'll just take this as my break! Heelpsa meee-sa! Yoousa must warn everyone! Hey, aren't you that guy from... Yoousa must warn! Oh, for heaven's sakes! The Chubbchubbs are coming! Uhh!... But what's a Chubbchubb? Holy shoot! "Hey, your kisses. Sweeter than honey." Hey everbody! This guy just told me that.... Whaat?! Look people I'm trying to tell you that..... I am just not good at this.... Hey everbody! I just heard the Chubbchubbs are coming! Cubbchubbs? Everybody remain calm. This is no time to panic. Whoo! Maybe this is a good time to panic! Wait for me! What the...? Oh you guys!, What are you doing? You gotta get out of here before the thing... Oh shoot! Come here you guys. Come here, come here... Whatever you are. The Chubbchubbs are almost... here. Oooh.. we are toast. Don't move. Hey friends! Guys..., Can't we be friends? I mean... Why can't ... We be friends? Why can't ... We be friends? Why can't we be friends? "Why can't we be friends?" "The colour of your skin no matter to me..." "As long as we can live in harmony" "Why can't we be friends?... Why can't we be... Oops" "Why can't we be friends?... Why can't we..." Friends??? It's the Chubbchubbs!!! Chubbchubbs!!! Get off me! Mami...! Oooh... nice Chubbchubbs... Wow... you guys are like furry little cuisinarts, aren't'cha? So eeh,... You guys into... Karaoke? "C-B-S and M-T-V" "Find out what it means to me" "C-S-I-V-I-P take your T-V-C. Oh" "A little respect" "Ooh, baby, a little respect!"
Hint. Click on the text to rewind the video. Highlight text to translate it.
See on Youtube.

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