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Perfect Infinitive

Категорія: Граматика
Дата: 30.12.2023
Середня оцінка: 5.0 (2 голосів)

Have + Past Participle (3d column of the Irregular Verbs List or V+ed) - is Perfect Infinitive. Роль Perfect Infinitive У англійській мові Perfect Infinitive використовується для передачі інформації про завершеність дії. Perfect Infinitive може використовуватися не лише в минулому, але і в майбутньому! Коли Perfect Infinitive відноситься до минулого, це вказує на те, що дія інфінітива відбулася до дії попереднього дієслова в реченні:

He claims to have won a lot of money. (First, he won the money, then he claimed that he had won it.) The structure ‘have + past participle’ is called a perfect infinitive. Perfect infinitives can have the same kind of meaning as perfect or past tenses.
  • I am glad to have found my soul mate. (= I am glad that I have found my soul mate.)
  • She was sorry to have missed the show. (= She was sorry that she had missed the show.)
  • I hope to have finished the job by next Monday. (= I hope that I will have finished the job by next Monday.)
  • She seems to have quit the job. (= It seems that she has quit the job.)
  • He seems to have been ill.
  • He is known to have abandoned his family.
  • She claims to have met a number of famous people, but I don’t believe her. (or She claims she has met )
  •  I would prefer to have stayed at a small, family-run hotel than a big international chain. (I prefer to stay at small hotels, but I did not.)
  • He pretended not to have noticed me. (First, she/he didn't notice and then (after some time) pretended)
  • I happened to have seen that film before. (First, she/he saw and then (after some time) happened)
У майбутньому Perfect Infinitive використовується для того, щоб показати, що дія буде повністю завершена ДО певного моменту часу:
  • Before I turn 40, I want to have written a book.
  • I would prefer to have stayed at a small, family-run hotel than a big international chain. (I prefer to stay at small hotels, but I did not yet.)
  • We hope to have finished the building works by the end of March.
Perfect Infinitive можна використовувати в таких випадках:
  1. Умовні речення 3-го типу:
  •  If he had visited her yesterday, she would have enjoyed it.
Present Perfect:
  •  I have done it before.
З такими дієсловами, як: claim, expect, hate, hope, like, love, prefer, pretend, report:
  • He pretended to have lost her number and so had been unable to contact her. (or He pretended that he had lost her number …)
  • She hopes to have completed the assignment by tomorrow.
У складнопідрядних реченнях з дієсловом, у якого немає підмета (non-finite clause). Це може відноситися до подій, які дійсно сталися в минулому, або до подій, які могли б відбутися (але не відбулися)
  • To have got the job in the face of such stiff competition was a great achievement. (The person did get the job.)
  • To have won the race would have been fantastic, but even coming second was a great achievement. (The person did not win the race.)
В Future Perfect:
  • By the end of summer, I will have come back home, to the USA.
  • They will have wrapped all the presents by Tuesday
С модальними дієсловами may/might, should, could, would, etc.: a) Після модальних дієслів: Must и May употребляется Перфектний Інфінітив для припущення про вже вчинені дії:
  1. They must have gone for a walk.
    • Вони, мабуть, пішли на прогулянку.
  2. I may have been wrong.
    • Я, можливо, був не правий.
  3. Passive Voice:
    • The file must have been deleted.
      • Можливо, файл був видалений.
    • They may have got married in June.
      • Можливо, вони одружилися в червні.
  4. CAN + Perfect Infinitive:Після модального дієслова "Can" також може вживатися Perfect Infinitive, проте основний сенсовий мотив буде трошки інший. У цьому випадку, основною сенсовою метою буде здивування чи сумнів щодо вже вчиненої дії.
    • Can he have made so many mistakes in one sentence?!
      • Невже він зробив стільки помилок в одному реченні?!
    • My friends can't have said "No"!
      • Неможливо, щоб мої друзі сказали "Ні"!
  5. SHOULD, COULD і MIGHT для вираження відношення до дії, яка повинна була відбутися, але так і не відбулася. Часто домінуючим сенсом у цій конструкції є докір, але це залежить від контексту.
    • You might have helped the old lady!
      • Ти міг би допомогти старенькій жінці! (докір)
    • We could have caught the train, but the traffic jam was terrible.
      • Могли би встигнути на потяг, але пробка була жахливою.
    • You should have come earlier.
      • Тобі слід було прийти пораніше. (докір і бажання)
  6. OUGHT TO, BE TO:Якщо Perfect Infinitive використовується з модальними дієсловами, то підтекст "докір" тут, як правило, відсутній.
    • The meeting ought to have started an hour ago.
      • Зустріч повинна була початися (але не почалася) годину тому.
    • You were to have made a special dinner.
      • Ти повинна була приготувати спеціальний вечерю.
  7. Complex Subject:
    • He is said to have finished the project in May.
      • Говорять, що він закінчив проект у травні.
    • She seemed to have fallen ill.
      • Здавалося, що вона захворіла.
    • I am so glad to have found this job.
      • Я такий радий, що знайшов цю роботу.
    • My wife is likely to have lost the car keys.
      • Ймовірно, що моя дружина втратила ключі від автомобіля.
    • Passive Voice:
      • The tourists are reported to have been robbed.
        • Звітують, що туристи були пограбовані.
      • The device turned out to have already been destroyed.
        • Виявилося, що пристрій вже був знищений.
      • We were lucky to have been invited to the concert.
        • Ми мали щастя, що нас запросили на концерт.
      • He is unlikely to have been taken to the hospital. - Малоймовірно, що його вже забрали до лікарні. __________________________________________________________
Вправи на використання Perfect Infinitive: Have + Past Participle
  1. Закінчіть фрази, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:
    1. I was shocked to ____________ (hear) that she had resigned.
    2. By the time we arrived, they ____________ (leave) the party.
    3. She claimed ____________ (visit) all the major cities in Europe.
    4. They pretended not ____________ (see) the accident.
    5. Before the deadline, I hope ____________ (complete) the project.
  2. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive: 1. Він стверджує, що вже закінчив свою домашню роботу.2. Ми б вибрали залишитися в теплій країні протягом всього зимового сезону. 3. Нажаль, вона заявила, що пропустила найцікавіше шоу. 4. Ми сподіваємося, що вони завершать будівельні роботи до кінця літа. 5. Перш ніж я повернуся додому, я хочу написати книгу. 3. Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи правильну форму Perfect Infinitive:
  • She pretended not ____________ (eat) the cake.
  • I am glad to ____________ (find) this rare book.
  • They are expected ____________ (arrive) by noon.
  • You should ____________ (read) the instructions before starting.
  • We hope ____________ (receive) the feedback soon.
4. Створіть речення, використовуючи майбутній доконаний час із Perfect Infinitive:
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
5. Замініть виділені частини речень на Perfect Infinitive:
  • They may have got married in June.
  • The tourists are reported to have been robbed.
  • You should have come earlier.
  • She seems to have quit the job.
6. Перефразуйте наступні речення, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:
  • It seems that he abandoned his family.
  • They say that she finished her degree last year.
  • It appears that they already signed the contract.
  • I heard that he regretted not studying harder for the exam.
7. Заповніть прогалини, використовуючи правильну форму Perfect Infinitive:
  • The document seems ____________ (sign) by the manager.
  • We would have preferred ____________ (stay) at a small hotel.
  • She claimed ____________ (meet) a number of famous people.
  • I am fortunate ____________ (witness) the spectacular sunset.
8.Створіть умовні речення третього типу, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:  
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
  • _____________________________________________________________________.
9. Замініть выділені частини речень на Perfect Infinitive:
  • We hope to finish the building works by the end of March.
  • I am glad that I found my soul mate.
  • He pretended not to notice me.
  • By the end of summer, I will come back home.
10. Заповніть прогалини з правильною формою Perfect Infinitive:
  • The team was proud ____________ (achieve) the highest sales record.
  • He was excited ____________ (try) a new dish at the restaurant.
  • They are going to be happy ____________ (visit) the new museum.
  • After the storm passed, we were glad ____________ (secure) the windows in time.
  • She was pleased ____________ (hear) the good news.
    1. Закінчіть речення, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:
      • I was shocked to have heard that she had resigned.
      • By the time we arrived, they had left the party.
      • She claimed to have visited all the major cities in Europe.
      • They pretended not to have seen the accident.
      • Before the deadline, I hope to have completed the project.
    2. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive
      • He claims to have already finished his homework.
      • We would prefer to have stayed in a warm country for the entire winter season.
      • Unfortunately, she claimed to have missed the most interesting show.
      • We hope that they will have finished the construction works by the end of summer.
      • Before I return home, I want to have written a book.
    3. Вставте відсутні частини, використовуючи правильну форму Perfect Infinitive:
      • She pretended not to have eaten the cake.
      • I am glad to have found this rare book.
      • They are expected to have arrived by noon.
      • You should have read the instructions before starting.
      • We hope to have received the feedback soon.
    4. Створіть речення, використовуючи майбутній доконаний час із Perfect Infinitive:
      • By the end of this month, I will have visited three different countries.
      • They will have completed the renovation of their house by next year.
      • By the time you come back, I will have finished redecorating your room.
    5. Замініть виділені частини речень на Perfect Infinitive:
      • They may have got married in June.
        • They may have gotten married in June.
      • The tourists are reported to have been robbed.
        • The tourists are reported to have suffered a robbery.
      • You should have come earlier.
        • You should have arrived earlier.
      • She seems to have quit the job.
        • She seems to have resigned from the job.
    6. Перефразуйте наступні речення, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:
      • It seems that he abandoned his family.
        • He seems to have abandoned his family.
      • They say that she finished her degree last year.
        • She is said to have finished her degree last year.
      • It appears that they already signed the contract.
        • They appear to have already signed the contract.
      • I heard that he regretted not studying harder for the exam.
        • He is heard to have regretted not studying harder for the exam.
    7. Заповніть прогалини, використовуючи правильну форму Perfect Infinitive::
      • The document seems to have been signed by the manager.
      • We would have preferred to have stayed at a small hotel.
      • She claimed to have met a number of famous people.
      • I am fortunate to have witnessed the spectacular sunset.
    8. Створіть умовні речення третього типу, використовуючи Perfect Infinitive:
      • If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
      • If she had known about the event, she would have attended.
      • If they had arrived on time, they would have caught the train.
    9. Замініть выділені частини речень на Perfect Infinitive:
      • We hope to finish the building works by the end of March.
        • We hope to have finished the building works by the end of March.
      • I am glad that I found my soul mate.
        • I am glad to have found my soul mate.
      • He pretended not to notice me.
        • He pretended not to have noticed me.
      • By the end of summer, I will come back home.
        • By the end of summer, I will have come back home.
    10. Заповніть прогалини з правильною формою Perfect Infinitive:
    • The team was proud to have achieved the highest sales record.
    • He was excited to have tried a new dish at the restaurant.
    • They are going to be happy to have visited the new museum.
    • After the storm passed, we were glad to have secured the windows in time.
    • She was pleased to have heard the good news.

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