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Morality of The World

Категорія: Есе студентів
Ім’я студента: Olga S.
Рівень студента: Upper Intermediate, IELTS: 6.5
Середня оцінка: 0.0 (0 голосів)
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It’s probably true to say that the statement on morality seems easy for understanding. Every person realizes what is right or wrong, what actions we mustn’t do, and in what way we could express our best side. But let’s distinguish morality as a complex object and try to analyze if each of the pieces is actual in modern society. I presume that notions like friendship, family, and marriage in their classical meaning now have modified value than in the XX century. There can be no doubt that the meaning of human relations is unchangeable. Old friends are devoted and sympathetic, but could we open our minds to someone less known? Even if we don't dig deeply, it’s hard to smile or begin talking with a stranger. Each day, citizens become more self-closed and doubtful. Personal profit has shifted to the first place. Some people try to find it, while others avoid being used. As a matter of fact, such individuals don’t see the wood for the trees. Another notion I'd like to open widely is relationships and marriage. As a divorced person in a certain period of my life, I have lost belief in the values of marriage. Not even because of my life experience but seeing the surrounding examples. And the most disgusting is that such situations are looking like a usual, even normal part of family life from the man’s side. I am talking about having an affair. As one person said, he just can’t sleep with one woman during the rest of life, but family is sacred. Contradictory words, isn’t it? I know a man with whom I was in love for a long time, but now we almost don’t communicate. One time he arrived to see me just for seeing and talking. I was a little bit confused because he has a wife and two children. In that evening, he had left his male company to visit me. I asked: "How did you explain your going away to friends?" And he answered that all of them were going to their lovers and he too. Those words crashed all my beliefs about marriage and men at all. Unfortunately, it is just a drop in the sea. Another strange occurrence in modern society is polyamory. Approximately, treachery makes into a new form of relationships in which each couple has the right to have sex with anyone they want. Sex blogger Masha Chesnokova argues that there is a strong difference between polyamory and banal treachery. This person is in an open marriage and shares rules, ideas, and emotions of polygamy. Specific sources claimed that in polyamory all lovers must know about an affair of the other partner and accept these terms. It is not polyamory or an open marriage if you are being unfaithful to your partner. From my point of view, I’d like to add that this rule is an advantage of such relations, exactly because of the honesty and consciousness. Personally, I don’t see immorality in polyamory; it is just another level of trust. But I am not ready for this. Maybe the reason is my monogamous nature. And judging by friends' comments, residents are not ready too. But as we know, all new and strange is hard to understand immediately; perhaps with time being, something will change. In conclusion, let’s turn to the main object we speak about - morality. As we could see, it is a wide notion with indistinct boundaries. You could agree or not with some rules and basis. At this moment, I came up with the Socratic quotation, "I know that I know nothing." It absolutely concerns the societal changes and relativity of moral notions. But depending on the surrounding society, we must reveal tolerance. The main difference between humans and animals is thinking ability. I speculate that this skill would help us to adapt to all innovations and not be absorbed by animal instinct or immoral appearances.

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Категорія: Есе студентів
Ім’я студента: Olga N.
Рівень студента: Upper Intermediate, IELTS 6.5
