- [Joe] This is the right studio,
but I can't see...
[gasping] Greta Gerwig!
- Hi!
- [Joe] I'm here for you
73 question interview.
And the first question is, how did I end
up on a studio lot?
- Well, I find myself
here at Sony a lot, doing
marketing meetings and
saying hi to people,
and today, I'm here for a screening.
- [Joe] When was the last
time you actually shot
on a sound stage?
- I shot on a sound stage
last in Massachusetts
while I was making my movie Little Women.
- [Joe] Cool.
And why did you decide
to shoot on location
for Little Women?
- Well, for me, Little Women is a sacred
text, and I wanted to treat the place
where it was written as sacrosanct.
- [Joe] Yeah, no totally.
Well I loved the movie.
And there have been so
many different versions
of Little Women over the years.
What did you wanna
avoid in your retelling?
- I wanted to avoid any
hoop skirts or corsets,
because I find both
of those unappealing garments.
- [Joe] That completely adds up.
And if you could speak to Louisa May
Alcott today, what do you think
you would ask her?
- Well, I think I would
say, "what are those
"crossed out sections of your journal?
"What are in the crossed
"out sections, what happened?"
'Cause something did.
- [Joe] Well I didn't read the crossed
out sections, but I'm gonna take
your word for that.
- I have to make this screening.
Can we walk?
- [Joe] I love to walk.
Now, I know it's tricky, because this
is something very close to you,
but what would you say was your favorite
scene to shoot from Little Women?
- My favorite scene
was definitely shooting
the dancing with Saoirse and Timmy
on the porch, outside of the party.
Just because it was so
joyful and wonderful,
and it was actually three in the morning,
in the cold, in Massachusetts.
- [Joe] [chuckling] I love Saoirse.
And I'm gonna get back
to her later, but who
is someone in history that you've found
to be really inspiring?
- Someone is, that I, Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf.
- [Joe] Virginia Woolf, tell me more.
- She was, I mean, what I love about her,
so many things, I love her writing,
but also, she was included in the canon
because she was just better than everyone.
And I feel like they
thought, "oh, well, that
"lady, she's a lady,
but she's really great."
- [Joe] Is there a story
out there that you long
to see a retelling of?
- The bible, but from the point of view
of all the women. [chuckling]
- [Joe] Now, you've
received immense praise
for your writing, along with an Oscar
nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay,
congratulations for that.
- Thank you.
- [Joe] Can you describe your perfect
setting and setup for writing?
- My perfect setup for writing is a place
with a bed, a single bed, a bed
for just me, because I like to take
naps a lot, while I'm writing.
It would have a slanted ceiling,
it would be very small, it would be like
a secret door situation,
so no one would know
when I was in there.
It'd be lots of space where I can put
stuff up on the wall, lots of books.
But, cozy and secret.
- [Joe] I wasn't expecting that
to be so elaborate, but--
- I have it planned, in
a notebook. [chuckling]
- [Joe] [chuckling] Writing
original, or adaptive?
Which do you prefer?
- Well original, but I treat
it all like it's original,
even if I'm adapting something.
- [Joe] Now let me in on a secret,
are you trying to get Saoirse
and Timothee to date?
- Who wouldn't want them to date?
They're so good looking.
- [Joe] True.
Would you direct another period piece?
- Yes.
- [Joe] In what borough would Jo March
live in today?
- Manhattan.
- [Joe] What was your first apartment
in New York like?
[machinery buzzing]
- My generator just went on.
- [Joe] It's the one
take interview, Greta.
- I lived in the dorms,
up at Barnard College,
Columbia, and then I was on 113th Street,
in a studio apartment.
With a friend.
- [Joe] Oh, and what's your favorite
thing to do in New York
City on a rare day off?
- Walking.
Just tons of walking.
Walking from my apartment all the way
to the Met, walk around
the Met, walk back.
- [Joe] And what about Los Angeles?
- I go to a place where I can walk.
- [Joe] You've been living in New York
for a while now.
How do you know when a home is a home?
- A home is a home when you have books
you've actually read in it.
- [Joe] What's a reference only people
from Sacramento would understand?
- The fabulous '40s.
No one knows what that
is outside of Sacramento.
- [Joe] What did six year old Greta
think she would be when she grew up?
- A nun, because I liked the outfits.
- [Joe] [chuckling] what's the role
you never got to play,
but always dreamed of?
[chuckling] Come on.
- Hamlet! [laughing]
- [Joe] Ah!
- I mean, I still can. [chuckling]
- [Joe] Not gonna do a to be or not to be
reference there, but anyway, you dance
a bunch in your films.
Do you mind showing me your favorite
move that you've ever done on camera?
In any movie.
- Yeah, but I can't really do it in heels.
I mean it was sort of like, you know,
like that new wave dance.
- [Joe] Oh, you got it.
- Like that kind of, do you know
what I'm talking about?
- [Joe] No, it's good, yes I do.
- That thing.
Can you dance too?
- [Joe] No I can't.
All right, you got me.
You got me, I'm doing it.
Let's keep walking.
Now, in your career, what's something
you initially thought was negative,
but eventually turned
out to be a positive?
- Well, I was meant to do a sitcom
called How I Met Your
Dad, and it didn't work,
nobody wanted it.
So, that seemed bad, but now it's okay.
But, who knows?
It could've been great, and I would've had
a better alternate life.
- [Joe] What's one movie you've watched
over 1000 times?
- Singing in the Rain.
- [Joe] Why did you watch that 1000 times?
- Because it's the most joyful thing
I've ever really seen on camera.
- [Joe] In three words, what's the vibe
you try to achieve on a Greta set?
- Communal, spontaneous,
concentrated, humor.
- [Joe] That's so you.
What's the best of advice you received
as you are starting on a film?
- You only get to know
what you're not doing
once, so don't miss it.
- [Joe] Mm, wise words.
- Do you wanna steal this golf cart?
- [Joe] They let you drive
golf carts around here?
- All right.
- [Joe] Okay, you only get to know
what you're not doing
once, so you don't miss it.
Do you still believe in that advice?
- Definitely.
I think, I mean, luckily,
you get to not know
what you're doing on any
new film you're doing.
So you can be a beginner forever.
But yeah, yeah, once you do
the first one, that's it.
Do you wanna get in?
- [Joe] You're so hospitable.
What book most positively shaped
your idea of romance?
- Well, I don't know about
positively, but, definitely, I was shaped
by Jane Austen, because she's Jane Austen,
and it was what made
me think that every guy
who's a jerk, was actually a super nice
guy, who wanted to marry me.
- [Joe] Very insightful.
What book most positively shaped your idea
of the world?
- Positively shaped my idea of the world.
- [Joe] Positively shaped.
- Oh my gosh.
I think, I don't know if this counts
as positive, but Joan Didion's writing
made me think that perhaps the life
I was living was worth writing about.
- [Joe] Now why is
maintaining your fashion
style so important now you're a director?
- To communicate all of
my power. [chuckling]
- [Joe] And, do you have a lot of power?
- I have so [chuckling] much power,
and you can tell by the breadth
of my shoulders.
- [Joe] [chuckling] I can see.
Who's your fashion icon?
- My friend Sarah's sister, Leah.
- [Joe] What's your favorite piece
of vintage clothing in your wardrobe?
- I have a pair of Converse sneakers
that are Converse before it was bought
by Nike, and they're the Jack Purcells,
and they changed the way they looked.
They tried to lie to me and say
that they didn't change
them, but they did.
- [Joe] Oof.
Jumpsuit or pantsuit?
- Jumpsuit.
- [Joe] Floral or plaid?
- Plaid.
- [Joe] Motorcycle jacket or blazer?
- Blazer.
- [Joe] What's the first thing you notice
about someone's outfit?
Like mine.
- The shoes.
- [Joe] Oh, interesting.
What is the sexiest thing a man can wear?
- Just a tiny hat. [chuckling]
- [Joe] That's not true.
That's not true.
- Just imagine it.
Wouldn't you be intrigued?
[laughing] Sexually?
- [Joe] Maybe, just a little bit.
What's the sexiest thing a woman can wear?
- [laughing] I don't know.
For my money, an oversized shirt.
Like a man's shirt.
- [Joe] What was your
favorite meal, growing up?
- Well, I had two, and still the same.
Number one, cereal.
Number two, macaroni and cheese.
- [Joe] Favorite non fiction writer?
- Robert Sapolsky.
- [Joe] Good driving, by the way.
What was the last TV show
that you binge watched?
- I'm in the process of
binging Love Island UK.
- [Joe] Where's one place in the world
that you are dying to visit?
- Oh, I'm dying to visit.
Because of Saoirse.
She told me I'd love it, I've never been.
- [Joe] Ah, you're gonna love it there.
It is good.
If you could share the
dance floor with anyone
in history, who would it be?
- Gene Kelly.
- [Joe] Oh, good dancer!
- [Man] Hi Greta!
- Hi, how are you?
- [Joe] Gene Kelly, that is a good one.
What would you dance with him?
What do you imagine, what song
do you imagine dancing with him?
- We would dance to Moonage Daydream.
But tap.
- [Joe] Nice.
So, you're doing a lot
of interviews these days.
What question are you
hoping to get asked more?
- I would hope to get asked more, I mean,
it would have to also
correspond with my life.
I hope somebody asks
me, "what does it feel
"like to win so many Oscars?" [laughing]
- [Joe] [chuckling] Hey,
hey, this may happen.
This may likely be the case.
- We're here.
- [Joe] Okay.
What's your favorite look
that you've ever worn
on the red carpet?
- Actually, Rodarte, at the Oscars,
two years ago.
It was a yellow dress.
It was the color of California poppies,
and I loved it.
- [Joe] Ah, that's beautiful.
And what would you say
is your favorite plot twist?
Books or movies.
- Favorite plot, it was
at the end of Arrival,
when you realize the timelines are wrong.
- [Joe] And what film
have you seen in the past
six months that has left
the biggest impact on you?
- Pain and Glory.
- [Joe] Why Pain and Glory?
- Because, it was so vulnerable,
both on the part of Pedro Almodovar,
and Antonio Banderas.
I felt both of their beating hearts in it.
- [Joe] Feel those corazones.
- Wanna sit down?
- [Joe] Yeah.
So Greta, you gotta let me in on a secret.
I heard a rumor that you really do music
supervise your own films.
- I have music supervisors,
but I am very tightly controlled
about what the music is.
- [Joe] Okay.
And what's one of your favorite lines
from your films?
- Before Meg gets married, Jo says,
"you will be bored of him in two years,
"but we will be interesting forever."
- [Joe] That's a good one.
And what emotion is hardest
to capture on camera?
In your opinion.
- Ambivalence.
I think actors are very
good at communicating
intention, and sometimes
if you don't know,
that can be hard to come across.
- [Joe] That's interesting.
Do you read your reviews?
- I read them after.
I read them long after.
Because I like smart reviews, and I like
film criticism, but it's too painful
to read them when it first comes out.
- [Joe] Yeah, it has to be tough.
- Yes.
- [Joe] And, when do you
feel most comfortable?
- When I'm directing.
- [Joe] Why?
- Because I think the more chaotic
and high pressure an environment
is, the more relaxed and at ease I get.
I find that I, in a wonderful
way, become invisible.
And I feel very good.
- [Joe] That's well said.
And what have you observed
in your first year of motherhood?
- That babies are
pattern seeking machines.
We come into this world
looking for patterns.
You think they're just
unaware, they're not.
They're always looking for what happened
before, and will it happen again.
- [Joe] And do you remember a time
when you cried, while directing?
- Yes, I cry while directing
almost every single day.
- [Joe] Now, talking about directing,
we asked your 73 Questions
alum, Saoirse Ronan,
what draws her to a script,
and she said, "good pacing."
Was that something you are thinking
about when you're writing?
- Yes, I always think, I don't know
that I would call it
pacing, but I do think
about the rhythm of the words.
That's a big deal for me as a writer.
And I think, maybe it's more particular
to me than for other screenwriters.
But, the way that sounds
almost musically, is how
I know a thing is done.
- [Joe] I also asked her what song,
without question, makes her cry.
And what song is that for you?
- The musical Passing Strange.
There's a whole section after his mother
dies that I can't listen
to without crying.
- [Joe] You said you love to capture
moments when people truly are alone.
And, what draws you to that?
- Well, in movies, being alone
with a character is very special,
and it's very unique to cinema.
And, I think I'm always interested
in who are we when we
think no one is watching?
- [Joe] Huh.
And you wrote Little
Women and Lady Bird alone.
How does that feel versus
when you're collaborating with a partner?
- Writing with a partner is more fun
than writing alone, because you can make
each other laugh.
But, writing alone, it can give
you a very deep sense of satisfaction,
and lonely victory.
- [Joe] Never thought about it like that.
But who do you normally allow to read
your scripts first?
Who's that person with that privilege?
- Noah Baumbach reads my scripts first.
- [Joe] Oh, of course it's Noah.
- I have to go to the screening.
Can we walk?
- [Joe] Yeah, let's go.
So, I was wondering, is procrastination
ever an issue for you?
- Yes, I am such a
terrible procrastinator.
I mean, I'm a good procrastinator.
I'm really good at it.
I do it constantly.
- [Joe] And what do you do to kinda snap
out of your procrastination?
- It's all about fear.
It's when the fear of not doing
something gets bigger than the fear
of doing it.
And then I do it.
- [Joe] And what's time that you laughed
the most on set?
- When Bob Odenkirk was there.
He's very funny, and he was making
everyone laugh at the dinner table,
because I needed real laughter,
and then I was just, I was crying
with laughter, sitting in the monitor.
- [Joe] I was not expecting him at all,
when he showed up on camera.
- I know because, but,
wouldn't you be so happy,
if he was your dad, and came home
from the Civil War?
You'd be like, "Dad's
home, it's Bob Odenkirk!"
[both laughing]
- [Joe] Greta, you find yourself
in a cinematic crisis.
Who's the first person that you call?
- Noah, probably, first.
But after that, Wes Anderson, who's good
friends of Noah.
But he always has good advice,
and he always has a way of kind of making
the obstacle the solution.
He says, "well maybe that's not a problem,
"maybe that's what you should base
"that whole section around."
- [Joe] Now, your work
is really, really hard to describe.
But, what do you want people to feel
when they watch your work?
- I hope they say it makes them live
more vividly when they
leave the movie theater.
- [Joe] What word always makes you laugh?
- Befuddled.
- [Joe] Oh, that's a good one.
Greta, last question for you.
Question number 73, what's next for you?
- I'm going to be acting in Three Sisters,
by Chekhov, in New York,
and then I will be writing
a picture about Barbie.
A Barbie picture.
- [Joe] Ooh, that sounds good.
Greta, good luck to you.
- Thank you.
- [Joe] Can't wait to see
you winning that Oscar.
- Thank you.
- [Joe] You got it.
Bye bye.
73 Questions With Barbie's Greta Gerwig | Vogue
Категорія: Відео
Складність: Висока
Дата: 10.08.2023
Субтитри: є
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