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20 фразових дієслів про стосунки

Категорія: Граматика
Дата: 08.11.2023
Середня оцінка: 5.0 (2 голосів)
1 Break up - Розійтися Transcript: /breɪk ʌp/ Example: They decided to break up after many years of dating. 2 Patch things up - Покращіти стосунки Transcript: /pætʃ θɪŋz ʌp/ Example: After their argument, they patched things up and apologized to each other. 3 Fall for - Закохатися Transcript: /fɔl fɔr/ Example: She fell for her coworker, and they started dating. 4 Get along - Ладнати Transcript: /ɡɛt əˈlɔŋ/ Example: They get along very well and rarely have conflicts. 5 Cheat on - Зраджувати Transcript: /ʧit ɒn/ Example: She discovered that he cheated on her with someone from work. 6 Drift apart - Віддалятися один від одного Transcript: /drɪft əˈpɑrt/ Example: Over time, they drifted apart and no longer had much in common. 7 Make up - Примиритися Transcript: /meɪk ʌp/ Example: After their disagreement, they made up and resolved their issues. 8 Put up with - Змиритися Transcript: /pʊt ʌp wɪð/ Example: She couldn't put up with his constant lateness any longer. 9 Get over - Пережити, побороти Transcript: /ɡɛt ˈoʊvər/ Example: It took her a long time to get over her previous relationship. 10 Fall out - Посваритися та розійтися Transcript: /fɔl aʊt/ Example: They fell out over a misunderstanding but later reconciled. 11 Hit it off - Знайти спільну мову одразу Transcript: /hɪt ɪt ɔf/ Example: They hit it off at the party and became fast friends. 12 Settle down - Осісти, облаштуватися Transcript: /ˈsɛtəl daʊn/ Example: They decided to settle down together and buy a house. 13 Call it quits - Завершити стосунки Transcript: /kɔl ɪt kwɪts/ Example: After years of trying, they decided to call it quits and go their separate ways. 14 Hang out with - Проводити час з кимось Transcript: /hæŋ aʊt wɪð/ Example: She loves to hang out with her friends on the weekends. 15 Lead on - Вводити в оману Transcript: /lid ɒn/ Example: He realized he had been leading her on and apologized. 16 String along - Впадати за кимось Transcript: /strɪŋ əˈlɔŋ/ Example: He had been stringing her along without any intention of commitment. 17 Fall through - Провалитися (о планах, свиданиях) Transcript: /fɔl θru/ Example: Their date fell through because of a scheduling conflict. 18 Stand by - Підтримувати у складні часи Transcript: /stænd baɪ/ Example: She knew he would stand by her in times of trouble. 19 Turn a blind eye - Закрити очі на щось Transcript: /tɜrn ə blaɪnd aɪ/ Example: She chose to turn a blind eye to his faults because she loved him.

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