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Backstage With Kendall Jenner During Fashion Month | Vogue

Категория: Видео
Сложность: Высокая
Дата: 16.11.2023
Субтитры:  есть
Средняя оценка: 5.0 (2 голоса)
- I'm a little starstruck, can't lie. I saw Viola Davis, I was like, oh, I can't, I can't even talk to her, she's so perfect. [upbeat music] Hey Vogue, welcome to the show. Come on in. We are currently backstage at L'Oreal. We're super excited. We're actually sitting directly underneath the Eiffel Tower right now, which is pretty cool. It's gonna be a special night. I've been here all day working and the show's gonna start probably in the next hour and a half, I think. So we're just kind of touching up and hanging out and chatting. What's the TikTok trend right now? Oh my God, I love this question. Like I love this question. I like pack on hangers so like, I can just rehang everything super easily. So like, I'll have all my stuff sectioned out and then put things in garment bags and then label the country or the city or whatever. And then once I'm there I just take the garment bag out, put it, put the hangers on the, in the closet and I'm done. And then I pull my shoes out and my bags out and that's it. So it's like a super efficient like easy way of packing rather than folding everything. Oh my god. See, I didn't really understand this whole thing for a while and then I think I started to, to pick up on it more and more but I don't know. "The Bachelor," like, is that a good one? My bag is not exciting today. It's actually embarrassing today. This is not a planned what's in my bag. This is a very genuine and odd what's in my bag today. I have been traveling with all my vitamins so I have my vitamin thing, which is so grandma of me. I have my wallet. I was so sad. I got this as a Christmas gift from my sister and then I spilled water in my bag and it got ruined. I got really sad about that but I have a hair clip, my sunglasses. Obviously, I think anyone who's seen any video of me knows that I don't go anywhere without 'em. I was changing a lot today. So I do have my travel jewelry box with me, also a gift from a friend. And then it's all, oh, well, my phone's in here too. That's not as exciting. That's pretty much it today in my, my new Rowe find. I've been wearing it every day. This season I've been doing a like a healthy mix I think. I think I sat at two and walked three, four. I enjoy being on the other side of it and watching all the beautiful girls go down the runway. And then also being able to be a part of it is such an honor, so. I think in the beginning I was so nervous, and so I didn't want them around and I just wanted it to be like taken seriously personally. So I didn't really have them around. But now that they're here and now I'm more comfortable on a runway, I think I'm totally fine with it. They could scream and shout all they want. I do have a superstitious prayer that I've said since day one and it, it's repetitive. I say the same exact thing, but I'm not gonna say it 'cause it feels very personal. I won't even call it superstitious. It's just a prayer that I say every time. Hello? What a surprise. - [Kris] I came to see what you were up to. - [Kendall] Mom! You're here so timely, and you're early. - I'm an an hour and 15 minutes early. - Hi Vogue. - Oh, hey Vogue. - [Kendall] Your shoes are so cute. - Thank you, Kenny. - [Kendall] I love your outfit. - Oh my God, my daughter loves my outfit. Only when I yell Kendall! - An amazing clip with the Victoria's Secret fashion show, I'm like allowed to wave back. Whereas other shows, it's very serious. She was very excited. - When she waved back, I thought, you made my life, Kendall. 400 shows and I never even got a wink. - Even when you scream, just know I hear you. - [Kris] Okay, good. - Thank you, Vogue for stopping by before the show. I'll see you guys out on the runway. [energetic music]
Подсказка. Нажмите на текст, чтобы перемотать видео. Выделите текст, чтобы перевести его.
  1. Garment bag - Сумка для одежды, переноска для гардероба
  2. it got ruined - Это было испорчено, повреждено
  3. Obviously - Очевидно
  4. I do have a superstitious prayer - суеверная молитва
  5. This is a very genuine and odd - странно и удивительно
  6. embarrassing today - стыдно
  7. I'm starstruck - Я впечатлена
  8. underneath the Eiffel Tower - внизу
  9. So it's like a super-efficient - еффективно
  10. packing rather than folding - упаковывать лучше чем складывать
  11. kind of touching up - тонкая настройка, коррекция, улучшение

    Read the Story

  • In a bustling city, Mary found herself underneath the Eiffel Tower, feeling a little starstruck. She was there for a fashion show, and her garment bag, packed efficiently with her most genuine and odd things, was her ticket to the event.As she unpacked, Mary realized she had forgotten to do any kind of touching up on her models' outfits. In her rush, she decided that packing rather than folding the garments had been a mistake. "Obviously," she thought, "this is a very genuine and odd fashion emergency!"In the chaos backstage, Mary's assistant, Bob, was also a little starstruck as he saw a famous designer fixing the embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions. "It got ruined, but Mary's superstitious prayer for a fashion miracle might just work," he chuckled. With Mary's efficient improvisation and a touch of humor, the fashion show turned into a memorable event. Mary learned that sometimes, even in the most embarrassing situations, genuine creativity shines, just like stars underneath the Eiffel Tower. And so, the city remembered the day when fashion took a funny and genuine turn, all thanks to a garment bag and a little bit of starstruck inspiration.
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