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Ivanka explains what it was like growing up as a Trump

Category: Video
Complexity: High
Date: 02.12.2016
Subtitles:  has
Average rating: 4.7 (6 votes)
- How would you describe your father as a parent growing up? - He was an incredible parent and is an incredible parent, that I think I appreciated much more today as a parent of three young children. I think when I was a teenager I thought parenting was just something that happens, and now I realize how much work goes into raising kids with a sense of purpose and work ethic and... and raising them to be close to one another and obviously, to stay close to their parents. So... I... I'm very grateful for him and my mother, and all that they did for us as children and all that they continue to do for us today, but you know, he was the same type of parent as we see generally. He was funny, sometimes wickedly so. Great sense of humor. He... He was demanding of us. He had very high expectations for us because he knew what we had the potential to accomplish, and he saw the potential in us before we saw it in ourselves, and I think really encouraged us to pursue our passions. He wanted us to find meaning and purpose in our lives, but was very careful not to push us into real estate. So I think that's partially because his excitement, his passion for real estate and everything that he did he brought home, and so I think we inherited a little bit of that excitement and perhaps it's in the blood, but he always said to us you have to do what you'll love and you'll never succeed, you'll never be able to compete at the highest level if you don't deeply love what it is what you do. If you don't want to get out of bed and do what it is that you're doing and he firmly believes that it's probably the most consistently piece of advice he gave me my whole life. So he would periodically check in with me and almost undermine my thought process about coming into the family business because he wanted to make sure that I knew that it wasn't an expectation of his. - So when you were young was your dad sort of the kind of a dad who would play games with you, read your bedtime stories or different than that? - No. He was different. He was not really the type of... He wasn't long on diaper changing and things like that, but you know, he... I think maybe he was a little bit more traditional in that regard, but he was very accessible and very available, and I think one of the things that I think about so often is that I never questioned that my siblings and I were his top priority. He never allowed us to. He never allowed us to question that fact because he always made us his top priority. So it didn't mean he was home every night for dinner. He wasn't. He was working very hard and he was building an enormous business and he was in the early days of doing that when I was young and had a lot to prove to himself and to others, and he had big ambitions for himself. He wasn't always physically present, but he was always available. As a little girl a friend of mine reminded me about this recently, that she used to hang out with me in a janitor's closet where there was a pay phone at school, and on recess I would go there and I'd call collect to his office. I was probably 10 years old, and I would call collect to the Trump Organization which is hilarious? - And you'd say hi, this is Ivanka? - From the school, and he would pick up the phone every single time and he'd put me on speaker phone. It would aren't be a long conversation and he'd introduce me to whoever was in his office, but only in retrospect now it didn't matter who was there, it was colleagues, it was titans of industry. It was heads of country, he would always take my call, and he'd always tell everyone in the room how great a daughter I was and say cute things and ask me about a test I took, but you know, I think that's really telling of him as a person and a parent. We always came first. - How about when you brought home a date or a boyfriend? - I was too smart to bring home a date or a boyfriend. I think I brought home my husband. That's it. - A little intimidating? - My husband, when I brought him home, but I was not going to subject boyfriends to the scrutiny of my father or mother, for that matter, unless I was 100% sure. - And let me move on now to the campaign a little bit. Your father has said that you and Melania had wanted him to be more presidential is the word that he uses. Tell me about that because do you believe that the nicknames he used for some people or the name calling was a mistake? Is that what you're talking about when you say more presidential? - Well, you would... My conversations with my father are really between us, but obviously I'm his child, and I also have been his colleague, and I've worked alongside of him for the past decade here at the Trump Organization, and part of the reason we have such a good relationship is because he respects me, and because I'm candid in my opinions, and I share them, solicited or otherwise. - But to that question, I mean, do you think those were - did you tell him those were a mistake or you don't? - Well, once in a while he'll say things and I'll tell him he could do with ratcheting it back. - And he listens. - Sometimes and sometimes he doesn't and sometimes he listens for limited periods of time. - But you can tell him. - Think it's part of what people love about him. It's also what part of what angers people. He is authentic. You know, nobody tells him who to be. He is himself. He is his own man. He listens to the opinions of other, he respects the opinions of others and he processes the advice people give him and ultimately he makes his own decisions. - How do you reconcile the Donald Trump you know as your dad with the candidate that some people see and consider so divisive? How do you square that - that circle for our viewers? - My father has always elicited strong opinions in people. He is bold. He is unabashed. He is very himself, and I think for me, the ultimate - the most important thing, if I know the man, so when I hear things that are factually inaccurate, it's sometimes hurtful. I feel that as a daughter, but I still know the man. I - I, as a woman, I as a person, could never support someone who was sexist or racist, but I just couldn't. I - I would not be able to be okay with that, but I know who he is as a human being, and I know those things are not true,
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