- Hi Glamour.
I am Selma Hayek Pinault
and I am going to answer an
excessive amount of questions.
[light music]
So they've given me some
categories in here and I have to
pick from one of them, but to
make it more exciting, please
and then I'll just pick whatever.
A director or creative you
would love to work with and why.
Hmm. I just worked with
some really nice ones.
James Cameron, because
we both love the ocean.
I'm a diver so I'd like
to do something with him
that has to do with the
ocean and underwater
and the animals in the ocean.
Oh, yes, I would love that.
Okay. How do you enforce your boundaries?
I have a very big problem with that.
I go to therapy, so that they teach me how
to have some boundaries.
And this is probably
my biggest weak point.
I don't have good advice on that.
Okay. Now, let's see.
Favorite part of adulting?
That's my dog.
Shh, my dog.
Favorite part of adulting.
I'm not much of an adult.
I couldn't even recognize the word.
I was like, what's that?
Feeling comfortable in your own skin.
You have no choice because
it keeps like, you know,
stretching out and stretching out.
So you gotta learn to
feel comfortable in it.
A trend you wish would die.
Skinny jeans, if you have
the big hips, you're like
oh my God, when is this gonna end?
What's your key to a good night's sleep?
Melatonin. Sometimes my
best trick is just to
watch TV that I don't love
and that doesn't make me think
but that it makes the noise.
And so my head doesn't
think of my own stuff
and eventually it just puts me to sleep.
But I make sure it doesn't
have a lot of action
or a lot of noise.
English murder shows are really good.
Okay. What is your go-to
dance move on the dance floor?
Salsa moves.
What's your favorite smell?
Roses. There's another one right here.
What were you like as a child?
I was very thoughtful.
I was very thoughtful
with my animals, my parents, my friends.
I always had a sense of duty.
And this a reminder for all
you kids or millennials,
thoughtfulness is a lovely thing to have.
It gets you far in life
and it makes you appreciate life more.
What are you obsessed with right now?
My kids, I admit it.
Okay. A trend that needs to come back?
Glamour. On every day.
Although I do love my
sweats, but I shouldn't,
I wish I would have this
thing of every day waking up
and you know, trying
to look my best for me
but I like comfort.
What's your theme song?
"Into the Mystic," Van Morrison.
What was your first car?
A Mustang.
Let's see,
who are your top three
style icons of the 90s?
What's the best advice
anyone ever gave to you?
My father said to me,
oh, many, many times.
You always have to
treat everyone the same.
Have you ever ghosted someone?
Oh yeah.
And by the way, I should ghost more.
How often do you floss your teeth?
Every day.
No choice.
When I was younger I didn't
but now maintenance, they go fast.
What's your worst habit?
I have a long list, a long
list of really bad habits.
One bad habit is I don't sleep a lot
and sometimes I just want a
beer in the middle of the night
but then I start a beer
and then it feels like it
should go with some chips.
And then once you have the salty,
then you need like the
chocolate for something sweet
and it's really hard to get back
to bed and try to go to sleep.
Thanks, Glamour.
I really enjoyed answering your questions.
It was very revealing for myself.
Sometimes you don't think
about the things you do
until Glamour asks you.
Till next time.
Okay. Next.
Salma Hayek Pinault Answers WAY Too Many Questions | Glamour
Категория: Видео
Сложность: Средняя
Дата: 10.08.2023
Субтитры: есть
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