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Inside Pamela Anderson’s Stella McCartney Handbag | In The Bag

Категория: Видео
Сложность: Высокая
Дата: 27.07.2023
Субтитры:  есть
Средняя оценка: 3.0 (1 голос)
- Hi, British Vogue. I'm Pamela Anderson and this is what's in my bag. I usually do a bag in a bag in a bag. So let me take everything out. The first object is concealer. ILIA. It's good. I have like a fan for hot flashes. I have CBD oil for my arthritis whenever my hands hur. And Kindred Black. This is like a little cheek stuff that you can just put on. These little bottles, blown glass. Love it. This is one of my favorite things. This is my scent. This is what I've created. It's a love potion and it's got ylang-ylang in it. It has my roses pressed from my garden and this stuff is amazing. Gotta have a love crystal. This is amethyst, so this is all good for good vibes. Vintage sunglasses. Don't know why I have a G-string in my purse but don't tell me that you don't have a scrunchy. This is the trick of the trade. We're really flashing back to the '90s. The tussled up-do always had a pair of panties in them. Anyway, so Dr. Hauschka lip balm. Very used, almost empty. I love ILIA. ILIA is really beautiful. And this is like their little highlight-y thing. We didn't know about this in the '90s but this is good. Sunscreen. I should have used more sunscreen when I was little. I counted my freckles the other day. I have like 137 just on my nose. Should have wore this. Oh, one of my eyelashes. Okay. And Alexis Vogel, my dearest friend we lost to breast cancer who really was one of my heroes and helped me really come up with this whole fun look. And she would be so proud that everybody really was kind of taking it on and having fun with makeup. But this is her little pot of glitter. I always carry it with me. I have some Altoids, but inside my Altoid box is Rescue Remedy too. It's just a natural remedy for if you're feeling stressed. I love to read plays because it actually really helps me with my writing because I love the storytelling and the scene setting, and I'm always inspired when I read these. I'm always doodling, so I always have a little pad of paper. My key to get in my room. Pen for writing, and a snack. Kumquat. Woo, it's sour. Okay, that's it. That's what was in my bag.
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