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10 Идиом о работе и отдыхе

Категория: Грамматика
Дата: 10.11.2023
Средняя оценка: 5.0 (1 голос)
Работа: 1Burning the midnight oil Транскрипция: /ˈbɜːrnɪŋ ðə ˈmɪdnaɪt ɔɪl/ Значение: Работать допоздна Пример: "I was burning the midnight oil to finish the project." Перевод: "Я работал допоздна, чтобы закончить проект." 2Back to the drawing board Транскрипция: /bæk tuː ðə ˈdrɔːɪŋ bɔːrd/ Значение: Возвращаться к началу из-за неудачи Пример: "The marketing campaign failed, so it’s back to the drawing board." Перевод: "Маркетинговая кампания потерпела неудачу, поэтому надо начинать все сначала." 3Hit the ground running Транскрипция: /hɪt ðə ɡraʊnd ˈrʌnɪŋ/ Значение: Начинать что-то сразу и с энтузиазмом Пример: "She hit the ground running in her new job." Перевод: "Она сразу принялась за дело в новой работе с энтузиазмом." 4In the hot seat Транскрипция: /ɪn ðə hɒt siːt/ Значение: Быть в трудном или ответственном положении Пример: "He’s in the hot seat for the upcoming presentation." Перевод: "Его ожидает трудное положение на предстоящей презентации." 5Keep your nose to the grindstone Транскрипция: /kiːp jɔː ˈnəʊz tuː ðə ˈɡraɪndstəʊn/ Значение: Трудиться усердно Пример: "She keeps her nose to the grindstone to meet the deadline." Перевод: "Она трудится усердно, чтобы уложиться в срок." Отдых: 1A breath of fresh air Транскрипция: /ə brɛθ ʌv frɛʃ ɛr/ Значение: Что-то новое и освежающее Пример: "The vacation was a breath of fresh air after months of hard work." Перевод: "Отпуск был чем-то новым и освежающим после месяцев усердной работы." 2On cloud nine Транскрипция: /ɒn klaʊd naɪn/ Значение: Очень счастливый Пример: "She was on cloud nine after receiving the promotion." Перевод: "Она была в седьмом небе после повышения." 3A stone’s throw away Транскрипция: /ə stəʊnz θrəʊ əˈweɪ/ Значение: Недалеко, вблизи Пример: "The beach is just a stone’s throw away from the hotel." Перевод: "Пляж совсем недалеко от отеля." 4Kick back and relax Транскрипция: /kɪk bæk ænd rɪˈlæks/ Значение: Отдохнуть, расслабиться Пример: "After a long day, it's time to kick back and relax." Перевод: "После долгого дня пора отдохнуть и расслабиться." 5A change of scenery Транскрипция: /eɪ tʃeɪndʒ ʌv ˈsiːnəri/ Значение: Перемена обстановки Пример: "I need a change of scenery after working in the office for a month." Перевод: "Мне нужно перемена обстановки после работы в офисе в течение месяца." Story Сколько идиом вы насчитали в этой истории? Title: The Deadline Dilemma Lucy had been burning the midnight oil for weeks. She was a dedicated graphic designer at a top advertising firm, tasked with creating the most innovative campaign for their biggest client. But her progress had hit a snag. The initial designs weren’t meeting the client's expectations, so it was back to the drawing board. Feeling the pressure, Lucy had to hit the ground running with a fresh approach. She found herself in the hot seat, facing the challenge of meeting the rapidly approaching deadline. She knew she had to keep her nose to the grindstone and come up with a game-changing concept. Finally, after numerous late nights and relentless effort, she managed to present a brilliant idea that impressed everyone. She was relieved and felt a sense of accomplishment. After the successful pitch, her boss suggested she take some time off. "You’ve earned it. Take a break, it will be like a breath of fresh air," he said. Following his advice, Lucy decided to go on a weekend retreat to a cabin in the mountains. As soon as she arrived, she felt like she was on cloud nine. The scenery was stunning, and the location was just a stone’s throw away from a beautiful lake. For the next few days, Lucy did exactly as her boss suggested, she kicked back and relaxed. She hiked, read books, and even tried painting. It was a change of scenery she needed after the hustle and bustle of the office. Returning to work, Lucy felt rejuvenated, with a clear mind and a renewed sense of creativity. She was ready to tackle any future project that came her way. Her time away had given her the much-needed energy to excel once again. The experience taught her the importance of balancing hard work and relaxation. Sometimes, taking a break is just as essential as putting in the effort, and both are necessary for success. And from that point on, Lucy made sure to find time for herself, understanding that a little leisure time could fuel her productivity in the long run.

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